On a budget and looking to make a rat cozy to have a rat on your person at all times? :D two hair ties and a baggy tshirt my friends. Great rat hammock. 🤣
I've had quite the day with the little lady above. We've been napping and cuddling and lying down together. Look at these model pics of her from cuddle time!
Then disaster struck, and my lil fearless baby decided to sneak through a part of the couch that I didn't even know had an entrance, and mother and I spent around 20 mins coercing her out. She literally lay down and took a nap under there. This lil girl doesn't care AT ALL.
It took us 30 mins, some yogurt, a grape and catfood to coerce her out. She lazily ate a bit, then happily trotted past us to the washroom where I picked her up. Completely care free.
Rattie nap time <3
Now she is completely worn out, and so am I. We have gone back to having naptime. I love this rat.